Fusing`u töötuba märtsis
01.03.2018 02:21
2. märts, 16. märts, 17. märts, 30. märts (Suur Reede), 31. märts toimub järjekordne fusing`u töötuba. Osalemis- ja registreerimistingimused tavapärased, (ees- ja perekonnanimi, telefoninumber ning valitud töörühm) - saata aadressil info@gagarin.ee - täpsem kirjeldus artiklis edasi ...
Lugeda edasi...Projekt „Uued sammud - uued võimalused“. 2. etapp
The second phase was to study the lampwork technology or Murano glass. Our teachers studied this technology in Venice where that technology historically had appeared and advanced. Consequently it happened to learn from the experienced master in charge of traditions and to get acquainted with glass working aura and traditions in Venice and Murano, as well as during the first phase. All these made it possible to know better the technology basics.
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