Сandy bouquet

Сandy bouquet

В связи с приближающимся 8 марта за два дня до праздника, 6 марта, в 15-00 у нас в Центре снова пройдет мастер-класс по изготовлению нарядного букета из конфет, который может стать прекрасным сладким подарком для близкого человека. Ведет занятие, как всегда, наша незаменимая в вопросах сладкой красоты Людмила Муравьева.
Все необходимое для изготовления букета, конфеты и декоративные материалы, уже ждет вас, приносить что-либо нет необходимости. Если только желаете заодно научиться красиво упаковывать и оформлять шоколадку, то ее-то надо принести свою.
Стоимость участия -10 евро.
Обязательна регистрация по адресу info@gagarin.ee (имя, фамилия, номер телефона).

Список зарегистрировавшихся далее ...

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Master classes in fusing in March

10.02.2016 06:29 Gagarin 10127 0  0
Master classes in fusing in March

On Friday, March 4th, Saturday, March 12th, Saturday, March 26h master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to info@gagarin.ee . Detailed information please find below ...

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Soapbox Derby - 2016

10.02.2016 06:29 Gagarin 12131 1  0
Soapbox Derby - 2016

On June 4, 2016, in the frames of the Days of Narva, 2016 Soapbox Derby race will take place. The derby is a downhill race of motor-less vehicles. To participate in the race, you will need to make a vehicle, which should be able not only to reach the finish-line but amaze and amuse the public with its original design. All the participants will receive nice prizes from the organizers and sponsors, and the winners will be awarded very good presents.

If someone has forgotten or does not know at all, what the Soapbox Derby is about, they can check out our pictures and videos from the past races here: FotoFotoVideoFotoFoto VideoVideo.

There are three obligatory requirements to vehicle design:

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Workshops on making notebooks

10.02.2016 06:29 Gagarin 12302 10  0
Workshops on making notebooks

Master - Olga Cherepanova from St. Petersburg.

 Group 1 - version of  "Green notebook"  from 10.00 to  13.30.
Group 2  version of  "Sea notebook"  from 14.00 to 17.30.

Cost of 20 € / person.

We would like to remind you that registration for participation in a master-class is OBLIGATORY, as there are only 8 places available in each group to ensure comfortable working conditions. Registration should be made by either sending an e- mail to the following e-mail address: info@gagarin.ee, or calling one of these phone numbers: `+372 56498326 or +372 58160791. In your e-mail please indicate your first and last names, and your contact phone number. Upon receipt of your e-mail within 24 hours we will add your name to the list of people registered for a given workshop and let you know about your successful registration.

The Center is located at Pushkin Street 5, Narva, Estonia

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