Workshops on making notebooks

10.02.2016 06:29 Gagarin 12421 10   0
Workshops on making notebooks

Master - Olga Cherepanova from St. Petersburg.

 Group 1 - version of  "Green notebook"  from 10.00 to  13.30.
Group 2  version of  "Sea notebook"  from 14.00 to 17.30.

Cost of 20 € / person.

We would like to remind you that registration for participation in a master-class is OBLIGATORY, as there are only 8 places available in each group to ensure comfortable working conditions. Registration should be made by either sending an e- mail to the following e-mail address:, or calling one of these phone numbers: `+372 56498326 or +372 58160791. In your e-mail please indicate your first and last names, and your contact phone number. Upon receipt of your e-mail within 24 hours we will add your name to the list of people registered for a given workshop and let you know about your successful registration.

The Center is located at Pushkin Street 5, Narva, Estonia

I группа 10.00 - 13.30  - вариант "Зелёный блокнот".

1. Людмила Муравьева
2. Марина  Подкопалова
3. Катя Павелкович
4. Наталья Юргенс
5. Светлана Иванцова
6. Наталья Громова
7. Карина Климанова
8. Ольга Вихрина

II  гуппа 14.00 - 17.30  - вариант  "Морской блокнот".

1. Ольга Медведева
2. Наталья Шершнёва
3. Яна Кондрашова
4. Анжелика Досаева
5. Анстасия Соломахина
6. Диана Берлин
7. Ирина Ефимова 
8. Елена Сапежко