Master classes in fusing in April

27.03.2023 20:56 Gagarin 1938 0
Master classes in fusing in April

 On Saturday, April 1 master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Soapbox Derby - 2023

26.03.2023 12:21 Gagarin 2337 0
Soapbox Derby - 2023

On  June 11th, 2023 Soapbox Derby race will take place. The derby is a downhill race of motor-less vehicles. To participate in the race, you will need to make a vehicle, which should be able not only to reach the finish-line but amaze and amuse the public with its original design. All the participants will receive nice prizes from the organizers and sponsors, and the winners will be awarded very good presents.

If someone has forgotten or does not know at all, what the Soapbox Derby is about, they can check out our pictures and videos from the past races here: FotoFotoVideoFotoFoto VideoVideo.

Our Facebook page is here:

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Lihavõtte Bubble mosaiigi komplektid

26.03.2023 16:41 Gagarin 5036 1  0
Lihavõtte Bubble mosaiigi  komplektid

Lihavõttepühadeks oleme ette valmistanud temaatiliste komplektide seeria Bubble Mosaic tehnikas mosaiigimagnetite iseseisvaks valmistamiseks. Komplekt on meelepärane ajaviide ning see on hea kingitus! Komplekte saab valida ning tellida, täites tellimusvormi lingil:

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KÄSITÖÖÖÖ - серия мастер-классов для взрослых

22.03.2023 01:01 Gagarin 1810 0
KÄSITÖÖÖÖ - серия мастер-классов для взрослых

Pühapäeval, 26. märtsil lõpetame oma " NARVA KÄSITÖÖÖÖ" projekti.

Kutsume linnaelanikke osalema Narva Käsitöööö projektis.

 Populaarsete öiste ürituste kujul täiskasvanutele läbiviidavad meisterklassid ning Narva töötubades ja õppeasutustes erineva käsitöö demonstreerimine toimuvad professionaalsete meistrite ja õpetajate juhendamisel.

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Master classes in fusing in March

20.03.2023 01:05 Gagarin 1676 0
Master classes in fusing in March

 On Saturday, March 25th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Meie projekt "Loomingulise õppe võimaluste laiendamine Ida-Virumaal"

14.03.2023 00:54 Gagarin 1694 0
Meie projekt "Loomingulise õppe võimaluste laiendamine Ida-Virumaal"

Projekti eesmärgiks on organisatsioonile võimaluse loomine huvitegevuse ja käsitööalase kõrgekvaliteedilise online -koolituse
läbiviimiseks. Projekti käigus luuakse tehniline baas videote ülekandeks ning videotundide salvestamiseks töötubade ja  koolituskursuste läbiviimisel meie loomingulise keskuse ja Ida-Virumaa meie partnerorganisatsioonide jaoks. 

Projekt toetab Sihtasutus Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapital (KÜSK). Investeeringutoetus vabaühendustele Ida-Viru maakonnas 2022. aasta taotlusvooru. Projekt viiakse ellu 01.01.-31.09.2023

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Projekt "Creation without borders"

01.03.2023 10:41 Gagarin 2260 13
Projekt "Creation without borders"

As part of this project we have completed several specialized trainings. At the Florence Classical Arts Academy in Italy, our teachers studied in detail the technical nuances of organizing online learning, how to shoot lessons on video, what programs and platforms to use to broadcast classes online. How to promote such training, what tools are needed to attract students, improved their competencies in digital marketing. Also, the teachers of our center successfully completed the course "Educational Video Production & Publishing" in Cyprus, where they learned how to independently develop and create educational video materials using various software and artificial intelligence. And in the final part of our project, our teachers had an internship in an organization KOKO MOSAICO in Italy that is engaged in similar activities and has also been successfully conducting online lessons, hybrid lessons in the stone mosaic technique for several years.

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