Master classes in fusing

21.01.2024 22:20 Gagarin 1648 0
Master classes in fusing

On Sunday 14th and 28th January  master-classes in fusing will take place. Register here. Detailed information please find below ...


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Lihavõtte Bubble mosaiigi komplektid

26.03.2023 16:41 Gagarin 5033 1  0
Lihavõtte Bubble mosaiigi  komplektid

Lihavõttepühadeks oleme ette valmistanud temaatiliste komplektide seeria Bubble Mosaic tehnikas mosaiigimagnetite iseseisvaks valmistamiseks. Komplekt on meelepärane ajaviide ning see on hea kingitus! Komplekte saab valida ning tellida, täites tellimusvormi lingil:

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Master classes in fusing in Oсtober

08.09.2020 23:10 Gagarin 4328 0
Master classes in fusing in Oсtober

On Saturday October 3rd end 24rd master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in August

29.07.2020 02:26 Gagarin 4501 0
Master classes in fusing in August

On Tuesday, August 4th & Sunday 9th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Head külastajad!

Seoses eriolukorraga riigis on Narva käsitöömaja ajutiselt suletud alates esmaspäevast 16.03.2020.

Olukorra normaliseerudes võtame Teiega ühendust!
Palun jälgige jooksvat infot meie koduleheküljel ja facebook´is.

Püsige terved!

Teie Keskus Gagarin.

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Loov koolivaheaeg

19.02.2020 18:00 Gagarin 4788 0
Loov koolivaheaeg

Traditsooniliselt on koolivaheajaks planeeritud hulk meisterklasse, mis on suunatud mitte ainult väikestele lastele ja noortele vaid ka täiskasvanutele, sest loomingul pole vanuse piire.

Võimalik, et nädala jooksul lisame täiendavalt juurde veel teisisigi meisterklasse.

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24.01.2020 17:44 Gagarin 4778 0

Saturday February 8th and February 22nd master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Loengud ehete restaureerimise meetodite ja tehnoloogiate kohta.

21.01.2020 19:18 Gagarin 3949 0
Loengud ehete restaureerimise meetodite ja  tehnoloogiate kohta.

Loeng algab pühapäeval, 26. jaanuaril kell 15-00.

Lektor Anne Raud. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia kultuuriobjektide konserveerimise ja konserveerimise osakonna magistrant.

Üritus on tasuta, toimub Kohaliku omavalitsuse programmi toel projekti "Pereajalugu riigiajalool" raames.

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Master classes in fusing in January

04.01.2020 11:30 Gagarin 4514 0
Master classes in fusing in January

On Friday 10th of January & 25th of January master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Meisterklass „Mosaiik“

31.12.2019 19:13 Gagarin 4778 0
Meisterklass „Mosaiik“

Mosaiigi meisterklassist osavõtja saab valmistada enda jaoks ka latern-küünlajala, mis annab jumet korteri, suvila või maakodu sisustustuseks. Küünla valgus, mis helendab läbi laternaklaasi muudab koduse atmosfääri soojemaks, mugavamaks, meeldivamaks. Meisterklassile registreerimise ajal valib osaleja ise kahe laternatooriku vahel.

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31.12.2019 03:22 Gagarin 4229 0

Мастер-классы по фьюзингу в декабре не смогли принять всех желающих, поэтому 2 января в 17-00 мы проведём ещё одно дополнительное занятие, на котором можно будет сделать на выбор или елочку-подсвечник, или блюдце, или подсвечник-домик в технике запекания стекла. При регистрации надо определиться с изделием. Можно полистать фотографии с предыдущих мастер-классов вот в этом АЛЬБОМЕ.

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Meisterklass lastele „Termoplastist võtmehoidja“

30.12.2019 15:04 Gagarin 4481 0
Meisterklass lastele „Termoplastist võtmehoidja“

Reedel 20. jaanuaril algusega kell 12.00 kutsume huvilisi termoplastist esemete valmistamise meisterklassi.

Termoplast on imeline materjal, mis võimaldab lastel, kel on minimaalsed oskused joonistamises ja värvimises endale iseseisvalt vajalik asi teha. Näiteks: võtmehoidja, telefoniümbrise, kuloni, prossi, külmkapimagneti ...

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Дополнительный новогодний мастер-класс для детей и родителей.

28.12.2019 14:39 Gagarin 4429 0
Дополнительный новогодний мастер-класс для детей и родителей.

Оказалось, что многие не смогли попасть на мастер-классы по изготовлению новогодних подсвечников-ёлочек и блюдечек, т.к. группы укомплектовались в первый же день, поэтому мы проведём дополнительное занятие 30 декабря в  15.00 , на котором можно будет сделать на выбор или елочку, или блюдце, или подсвечник-домик.

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Sugupuu koostamist tutvustavad seminar.

08.12.2019 17:25 Gagarin 4253 0
Sugupuu koostamist tutvustavad seminar.

Sugupuu koostamist tutvustavad seminar. 

Loeng algab 12.12.2019.  kell 18-00.

Lektor Narva muuseumi peavarahoidja Aili Vester. 

Üritus on tasuta, toimub Kohaliku omavalitsuse programmi toel projekti "Pereajalugu on riigiajalugu" raames.

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Master classes in fusing in December

01.12.2019 11:54 Gagarin 4507 0
Master classes in fusing in December

On Saturday 7th of December & 14th of December master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in November

02.11.2019 23:43 Gagarin 4653 0
Master classes in fusing in November

On Saturday 9th of November, 16th of November & 23rd of November master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in Oktober

11.10.2019 02:48 Gagarin 4600 0
Master classes in fusing in Oktober

On Saturday 19th & 26th of Oktober master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in September

09.09.2019 02:11 Gagarin 4465 0
Master classes in fusing in September

 On Saturday 14th of September and on Sunday 29th of September master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in August

15.07.2019 09:08 Gagarin 4522 0
Master classes in fusing in August

On Saturday, August 3  and on Sunday, August 11 master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Мастер-классы по фьюзингу в июле.

10.06.2019 09:24 Gagarin 4770 0
Мастер-классы по фьюзингу в  июле.

On Wednesday Juli 17.  and Juli 31. master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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