Fusing`u töötuba mai

12.05.2018 02:46 Gagarin 6434 0  0
Fusing`u töötuba mai

On laupäeval 19. mai ja pühapäeval 27. mai toimub järjekordne fusing`u töötuba.  Osalemis- ja registreerimistingimused tavapärased, (ees- ja perekonnanimi, telefoninumber ning valitud töörühm) - saata aadressil info@gagarin.ee  - täpsem kirjeldus artiklis edasi ...

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Projekt „Uued sammud - uued võimalused“. 3. etapp.

20.05.2018 22:45 Gagarin 4698 15  0
Projekt „Uued sammud - uued võimalused“.  3. etapp.

The third phase took place in Germany on the basis of the largest European glass materials and equipment reseller  - the Bohle Group.  The Group has educational center for partners’ training and our teacher had the opportunity to participate in the busy and dense course that allowed him to master several technologies in five days "Screen Printing", "Basics of Float- Fusing",

"Fusing Decals", "Wissmach 96 and Kaiser Lee Board", "Fusing Pencils", "Batik in Glass-Fusing"

The studying was not only theoretical but also practical during those three phases. Results of studying (made items) are now examples of the inner collaborative learning of our workers.

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