Master classes in fusing in April

27.03.2023 20:56 Gagarin 1487 0
Master classes in fusing in April

 On Saturday, April 1 master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in March

20.03.2023 01:05 Gagarin 1296 0
Master classes in fusing in March

 On Saturday, March 25th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in February

13.02.2023 23:54 Gagarin 1408 0
Master classes in fusing in February

On  18th of February master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in January

11.01.2023 18:38 Gagarin 1667 0
Master classes in fusing in January

On 15th of January master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Мастер-класс по изготовлению подсвечника-елочки в технике фьюзинг.

13.12.2022 12:47 Gagarin 1561 3
Мастер-класс по изготовлению подсвечника-елочки в технике фьюзинг.

В воскресенье 18 декабря в 11-00 и в 13-00 мы проведём занятия, на которых дети и взрослые смогут сделать себе елочку-подсвечник, в технике фьюзинг (запекание стекла). .
Участник получит стеклянную заготовку-основу, на которой самостоятельно выложит из цветного стекла рисунок будущего подсвечника.

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Master classes in fusing in November

20.11.2022 14:37 Gagarin 1589 0
Master classes in fusing in November

On November 26th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in Oktober

28.09.2022 01:07 Gagarin 1579 0
Master classes in fusing in Oktober

On October 2nd master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in September

13.09.2022 02:33 Gagarin 1542 0
Master classes in fusing in September

On September 18th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in July

12.07.2022 16:46 Gagarin 1845 0
Master classes in fusing in July

On  17th of July master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in February

20.02.2022 17:11 Gagarin 2354 0
Master classes in fusing in February

On  24th of February master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in December

30.11.2021 02:01 Gagarin 2675 0
Master classes in fusing in December

On Saturday 4th of December master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in June

07.06.2021 18:08 Gagarin 3327 0
Master classes in fusing in June

On Saturday, June 12th and June 19th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in November

31.10.2020 01:11 Gagarin 3874 0
Master classes in fusing in November

On Saturday November 7th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

All master classes have been canceled by the end of November. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

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Master classes in fusing in Oсtober

08.09.2020 23:10 Gagarin 3913 0
Master classes in fusing in Oсtober

On Saturday October 3rd end 24rd master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in September

05.09.2020 11:41 Gagarin 3753 0
Master classes in fusing in September

On Saturday September 12th & 19th  master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in August

29.07.2020 02:26 Gagarin 4069 0
Master classes in fusing in August

On Tuesday, August 4th & Sunday 9th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in July

14.07.2020 01:36 Gagarin 4271 0
Master classes in fusing in July

On Saturday, July 13th, 18th & 25th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in May

12.05.2020 16:33 Gagarin 4327 0
Master classes in fusing in May

On Saturday, May 16th, 22nd, 23rd and 30th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in March

01.03.2020 01:43 Gagarin 3977 0
Master classes in fusing in March

On Saturday, March 7th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Loov koolivaheaeg

19.02.2020 18:00 Gagarin 4324 0
Loov koolivaheaeg

Traditsooniliselt on koolivaheajaks planeeritud hulk meisterklasse, mis on suunatud mitte ainult väikestele lastele ja noortele vaid ka täiskasvanutele, sest loomingul pole vanuse piire.

Võimalik, et nädala jooksul lisame täiendavalt juurde veel teisisigi meisterklasse.

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