Master classes in fusing in August

Master classes in fusing in August

August 9 Tuesday master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in July

28.06.2016 09:16 Gagarin 8373 0
Master classes in fusing in July

On Friday, July 8th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in June

Master classes in fusing in June

On Friday, June 10th, June 26, Sunday master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in May

02.05.2016 17:34 Gagarin 9783 0  0
Master classes in fusing in May

On Friday, May 6th, Saturday, May 14th, Saturday, May 28thmaster-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in April

19.03.2016 01:35 Gagarin 9331 0  0
Master classes in fusing in April

On Saturday, April 2th, Saturday, April 9th, Saturday, April 30th master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing in March

10.02.2016 06:29 Gagarin 9749 0  0
Master classes in fusing in March

On Friday, March 4th, Saturday, March 12th, Saturday, March 26h master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Master classes in fusing

Master classes in fusing

On Saturday, February 6, February 13, February 20 and February 27, master-classes in fusing will take place. Participation requirements are the same as always; the necessary information for registration is also traditional: last name, first name, phone number, and the name of the chosen group. Please forward this information to . Detailed information please find below ...

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Glass fusing

01.01.2015 02:00 Gagarin 8724 0

Фьюзинг (Fusing, от англ. Fuse — «спекание, плавка») —  особая технология изготовления витражей путём спекания стекла в печи, в таком витраже отсутствуют металлические соединения между стеклами, стекло спекается в печи при температуре около 800 °C и становится однородным, вплавляется друг в друга. Технология позволяет изготавливать широкий спект изделий - панно, светильники, посуду, сувениры ... Фьюзинг доступен и взрослым, и детям, эффектные изделия получаются даже у новичка. Мы предлагаем регулярные плановые мастер-классы по фьюзингу, а так же мастер-классы для организованных групп взрослых, для детских компаний, для фирм и туристических групп.

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